Sunday, October 27, 2019

Story of Haroon

I saw her once three months ago. It was a five minutes meeting with parents and relatives. We did not talk but we had an eye contact. Her big black eyes instantly did something on me. Since then, I cannot forget her for a second.

 My mother is not happy that I liked her without knowing anything about her. But I do not know why I felt I know her for years. I am going to marry next week.

 I did some wedding shopping for her. I had no idea what is the size of her feet but I bought a very nice pair of shoes from roadside. Every night I organize those things newly. 

I feel very shy when I am buying woman stuff. Only I do not feel shy when I close my eyes, because I see her looking deeply at me. I do not know why but I cannot imagine anyone other than her as my wife. 

- Haroon

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